Well Pat didn't have a winner - he sat out!! 6 did though and they were Dave Kingsbury in 2nd 3-1 to just about secure 2nd in ordinary circumstances, best of the day by miles for Pete Feeney 12-1 in the York Scoop6 sprint a v tough race. Other were Jimmy McGarrity 6-1, Terry Matthews 11-10, Jed Parramore & Ian Carpenter both 7-2.
In the plate Barry & Vince picked different horses and unusually they both pulled up LoL. Gary pulled a point further clear of me as we went head to head so neither of us closed the gap on Pat Quinn Jnr :-(
A horse racing naps competition run by and for a group of racing fans in the UK. Selections by daily SMS/WhatsApp, £50 entry, 61 bets in 91 days. First started in 2001 and our 53rd Competition ended Nov 2024. Dates for 54th are 31st March 2025 to 30th June 2025
email info@napscomp.com
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Saturday, 31 May 2014
Main Comp top 14
£1,000 - Pat Q Jnr, NO BET
£425 - Dave K, Clever Cookie YOR 2.20
£250 - Tom F, Do Be Dashing STR 5.55
£200 - Dave B, Itlaaq YOR 3.25
£150 - Gary P, Eton Forever HAY 2.40
£100 - Martin L, Betimes HAY 3.50
£75 - Pat Q Snr, NO BET
£75 - Tim C, Plutocracy NEW 3.35
£50 - Chris P, Saltwater Creek HAY 5.00
£50 - Terry M, Mister Universe YOR 4.00
£nil - Jed P, Peacock NEW 1.55
£nil - Barry P, Maxi Chop STR 6.55
£nil - Spencer M, Scutum NEW 2.25
£nil - Paul B, Endless Credit YOR 3.25
£nil - Spencer M, Scutum NEW 2.25
£nil - Paul B, Endless Credit YOR 3.25
Plate top 8
£150 - Vince P, Carracci Apache STR 8.55
£100 - Barry P, AS ABOVE
£75 - Martin L, AS ABOVE
£75 - Martin L, AS ABOVE
£50 - Justin S, Masamah YOR 2.50
£50 - Pat Q Jnr, AS ABOVE
£50 - Pat Q Jnr, AS ABOVE
£nil - Gary P, AS ABOVE
£nil - Maurice E, Garswood HAY 2.40
£nil - Dave B, AS ABOVE
Friday, 30 May 2014
30may14 and again
Pat Quinn Jnr moves to 7 in a row with a nice 7-4 winner the same as Dave Barker in 4th. Barry Pemble & Vince Paige matched strides again with a 4-6 winner, Dave Kingsbury also 4-6 now sits with a nice margin over 3rd place and finally Rod Brown 4-5. All that saw not much change, in the plate I scrapped a point back against Gary but he still looks favourite that is if either of us can catch Pat Quinn Jnr!
Main Comp top 14
£1,000 - Pat Q Jnr, Universal Soldier STR 6.50
£425 - Dave K, Rum and Butter STR 6.20
£250 - Tom F, NO BET
£200 - Dave B, Universal Soldier STR 6.50
£150 - Gary P, Cloudscape NEW 4.15
£100 - Pat Q Snr, Palypso De Creek STR 6.50
£75 - Martin L, NO BET
£75 - Chris P, Tilstarr NEW 5.25
£50 - Tim C, NO BET
£50 - Terry M, Out lawed HAY 8.00
£nil - Jed P, Victorie De Lyphar 3.40
£nil - Barry P, Shemshal DOW 5.55
£nil - Spencer M, Dr Anubis STR 6.20
£nil - Paul B, NO BET
£nil - Spencer M, Dr Anubis STR 6.20
£nil - Paul B, NO BET
Plate top 8
£150 - Vince P, Shemshal DOW 5.55
£100 - Barry P, AS ABOVE
£75 - Martin L, AS ABOVE
£75 - Martin L, AS ABOVE
£50 - Justin S, Hero De Villinueve DOW 6.55
£50 - Pat Q Jnr, AS ABOVE
£50 - Pat Q Jnr, AS ABOVE
£nil - Gary P, AS ABOVE
£nil - Maurice E, Steps To Freedom TRA 7.45
£nil - Dave B, AS ABOVE
29may14 late again
Must have been an easier day as even I got a winner. 10 in total Pat Quinn Jnr, the leader, brought up a 6 timer - red hot. Other were me & Rod Brown both 2-1, Tom Feeney a very handy 7-2 given that he sits 3rd Vince Paige & Barry both the same 1-2 winner, best of the day was a long forgotten in this comp Kevin Wood who was only bringing up his 2nd winner at 7-1. Chris Pascoe brought up a treble to move 8th with a 9-2 winner, Carl Dean 9-4, Pete Feeney 5-2.
Thursday, 29 May 2014
Main Comp top 14
£1,000 - Pat Q Jnr, Playhara WET 8.35 (again!)
£425 - Dave K, NO BET
£250 - Tom F, Bally Lagan WOR 2.10
£200 - Dave B, NO BET
£150 - Gary P, Chill Factor WOR 4.40
£100 - Pat Q Snr, Chosen Character HAY 3.50
£75 - Martin L, Principle Equation BAT 3.00
£75 - Tim C, Gaelic Silver SAN 6.10
£50 - Terry M, Malabar HAY 2.50
£50 - Chris P, Allanard WET 7.35
£nil - Jed P, Mystery Drama HAY 4.20
£nil - Spencer M, Cock of The North SAN 7.15
£nil - Barry P, Oscar Time WET 9.05
£nil - Paul B, Biographer SAN 7.15
£nil - Barry P, Oscar Time WET 9.05
£nil - Paul B, Biographer SAN 7.15
Plate top 8
£150 - Vince P, Oscar Time WET 9.05
£100 - Barry P, AS ABOVE
£75 - Martin L, AS ABOVE
£75 - Martin L, AS ABOVE
£50 - Justin S, NO BET
£50 - Gary P, AS ABOVE
£50 - Gary P, AS ABOVE
£nil - Pat Q Jnr, AS ABOVE
£nil - Maurice E, Brown Panther SAN 7.15
£nil - Dave B, AS ABOVE
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
28may14 tough
Just 5 winners as the end of comp tactics are really starting to show especially in the plate. Best of the day was Rod Brown with just a 3-1 winner others were Chris Pascoe 2-1 to move up one place, Ian Carpenter 6-4, John O'Neill 2-1 and Stuart Bentham 15-8.
Most of the plate sat out at the top and i failed yet again to score when Gary Pascoe missed and the gap remains at 8 points
Most of the plate sat out at the top and i failed yet again to score when Gary Pascoe missed and the gap remains at 8 points
Main Comp top 14
£1,000 - Pat Q Jnr, NO BET
£425 - Dave K, Bonne Fee CAR 2.50
£250 - Tom F, NO BET
£200 - Dave B, Tenbridge CHE 3.30
£150 - Gary P, Spavento HAM 3.40
£100 - Martin L, Oh Star KEM 6.15
£75 - Pat Q Snr, NO BET
£75 - Tim C, Pandorica CHE 5.15
£50 - Terry M, Rome KEM 7.45
£50 - Jed P, Rome KEM 7.45
£nil - Chris P, Lady Ranger CHE 3.00
£nil - Spencer M, Printing Press CAR 4.25
£nil - Barry P, NO BET
£nil - Paul B, NO BET
£nil - Barry P, NO BET
£nil - Paul B, NO BET
Plate top 8
£150 - Vince P, NO BET
£100 - Barry P, AS ABOVE
£75 - Martin L, AS ABOVE
£75 - Martin L, AS ABOVE
£50 - Justin S, Bonne Fee CAR 2.50
£50 - Gary P, AS ABOVE
£50 - Gary P, AS ABOVE
£nil - Pat Q Jnr, AS ABOVE
£nil - Maurice E, Whaleweigh Station KEM 6.45
£nil - Dave B, AS ABOVE
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
27may14 wow
We sit at the feet of the great! Pat Quinn Jnr wins again (15-8) and moves over £50 up, which considering he has not had a fluky long short must be one of the best performances we have seen. 7 other winners Pete Long 11-4, Adam Slater 9-2 Dave Kingsbury & Chris Pascoe the same idea both picked the 2-9 winner this evening, Steve 7-2 and best of the day Terry Matthews 7-1 to move into the cash in 9th.
In the plate we definitely have a new favourite after Vince could only manage 2 points after his odds on 'cert' got beaten by a 50-1 shot, that leaves Barry, who sat out, only 3 points behind and with one bet in hand.
In the plate we definitely have a new favourite after Vince could only manage 2 points after his odds on 'cert' got beaten by a 50-1 shot, that leaves Barry, who sat out, only 3 points behind and with one bet in hand.
Main Comp top 14
£1,000 - Pat Q Jnr, Playhara HEX 9.10
£425 - Dave K, Turn Over Sivola HUN 7.50
£250 - Tom F, Raifteiri HEX 9.10
£200 - Dave B, Olivers Mount LIN 3.10
£150 - Gary P, Goodwood Storm LIN 3.40
£100 - Martin L, Toast of The Town LIN 4.40
£75 - Pat Q Snr, NO BET
£75 - Tim Catlin, Tarquin RED 5.20
£50 - Jed P, Go Paddy Go BAL 7.30
£50 - Spencer M, Mercers Court HUN 8.50
£nil - Chris P, Turn Over Sivola HUN 7.50
£nil - Barry P, NO BET
£nil - Paul B, NO BET
£nil - Terry M, Fearless Lad LIN 3.10
£nil - Paul B, NO BET
£nil - Terry M, Fearless Lad LIN 3.10
Plate top 8
£150 - Vince P, Lamorak RED 3.50
£100 - Barry P, AS ABOVE
£75 - Martin L, AS ABOVE
£75 - Martin L, AS ABOVE
£50 - Justin S, King Leon BAL 7.00
£50 - Gary P, AS ABOVE
£50 - Gary P, AS ABOVE
£nil - Maurice E, NO BET
£nil - Pat Q Jnr, AS ABOVE
£nil - Dave B, AS ABOVE
26may14 heavy night!
Sorry for delayed update tough morning :-)
6 winners mostly the usual culprits! Starting, of course, with the leader Pat Quinn Jnr who brings up a 4 timer with a 2-1 winner. Dave Barker picked the same horse (sorry Dave for keep messing up your admin), stays 4th but challenging Tom Feeney in 3rd. Dave Kingsbury & Jed Parramore both 4-5 with Justin Sercombe & Barry Pemble both on 1-2 which was enough to bring Barry to the foot of the main leader board.
Mass excitement in the plate as Barry unraveled his final bet in hand and now sits just a single point behind Vince, I sat out as well which worked fine as Gary Pascoe had a loser only for Pat Quinn Jnr to now nip past me as well :-(
6 winners mostly the usual culprits! Starting, of course, with the leader Pat Quinn Jnr who brings up a 4 timer with a 2-1 winner. Dave Barker picked the same horse (sorry Dave for keep messing up your admin), stays 4th but challenging Tom Feeney in 3rd. Dave Kingsbury & Jed Parramore both 4-5 with Justin Sercombe & Barry Pemble both on 1-2 which was enough to bring Barry to the foot of the main leader board.
Mass excitement in the plate as Barry unraveled his final bet in hand and now sits just a single point behind Vince, I sat out as well which worked fine as Gary Pascoe had a loser only for Pat Quinn Jnr to now nip past me as well :-(
Monday, 26 May 2014
Main Comp top 12
£1,000 - Pat Q Jnr, Never Never CAR 2.20
£425 - Dave K, Headlong CAR 2.50
£250 - Tom F, Tayarat CAR 4.00
£200 - Dave B, NO BET
£150 - Gary P, Staffhoss CRL 5.20
£100 - Martin L, NO BET
£75 - Pat Q Snr, NO BET
£75 - Tim Catlin, Rebecca's Choice CAR 4.30
£50 - Jed P, Clues and Arrows CAR 2.50
£50 - Spencer M, After The Gold Rush WIN 3.00
£nil - Chris P, Greeb LEI 3.55
£nil - Paul B, Mary Le Bow RED 5.45
Plate top 8
£175 - Vince P, NO BET
£100 - Barry P, Among Angels WIN 2.30
£75 - Martin L, AS ABOVE
£75 - Martin L, AS ABOVE
£50 - Justin S, Among Angels WIN 2.30
£50 - Gary P, AS ABOVE
£50 - Gary P, AS ABOVE
£nil - Maurice E, NO BET
£nil - Pat Q Jnr, AS ABOVE
£nil - Dave B, AS ABOVE
Sunday, 25 May 2014
25may14 Barry & Gary
They both bravely picked a great 4-1 winner in a v tough 20 runner race at the Curragh and blow the plate wide open Barry now sits just 6 points behind the leader one bet in hand and Gary has gone a long way to securing the final cash spot ahead of me.
On Magician in the Group 1 yet again Joesph O'Brien proves that he can only win when he is riding the best horse and then so long as a better tactician does take him on! James Doyle showed him how to ride a proper paced race and push on 4 to 5f out and leave Joesph with 6-7 lengths to find in the home straight which despite being on the better horse he failed to do by a length. Wonder why he still gets all the Ballydoyle rides:-)
Enough - the 4 other winners were the outstanding leader again 11-4 and Dave Kingsbury who selected the same horse so for the second day running had a winner but failed to close the gap. Martin Long improve a spot or two with his 13-8 winner as did Jed Parramore with his 5-6 winner.
On Magician in the Group 1 yet again Joesph O'Brien proves that he can only win when he is riding the best horse and then so long as a better tactician does take him on! James Doyle showed him how to ride a proper paced race and push on 4 to 5f out and leave Joesph with 6-7 lengths to find in the home straight which despite being on the better horse he failed to do by a length. Wonder why he still gets all the Ballydoyle rides:-)
Enough - the 4 other winners were the outstanding leader again 11-4 and Dave Kingsbury who selected the same horse so for the second day running had a winner but failed to close the gap. Martin Long improve a spot or two with his 13-8 winner as did Jed Parramore with his 5-6 winner.
Main Comp top 12
£1,000 - Pat Q Jnr, Ballylifen UTT 4.10
£425 - Dave K, Ballylifen UTT 4.10
£250 - Tom F, NO BET
£200 - Dave B, American Spin FON 4.00
£150 - Pat Q Snr, NO BET
£100 - Tim C, NO BET
£75 - Martin L, Popaflora FON 2.50
£75 - Gary P, Great Minds CUR 2.15 1ST 4-1
£50 - Spencer M, Mercers court FON 2.20 0
£50 - Chris P, FORCED LOSER
£nil - Jed P, Ground Invasion KEL 6.00
£nil - Terry M, Runswick Days KEL 3.10
Plate top 8
£175 - Vince P, Dick Whittington CUR 1.45 2ND 2-7
£100 - Barry P, Great Minds CUR 2.15 1ST 4-1
£75 - Martin L, AS ABOVE
£75 - Martin L, AS ABOVE
£50 - Justin S, NO BET
£50 - Maurice E, Magician CUR 3.20
£50 - Maurice E, Magician CUR 3.20
£nil - Gary P, AS ABOVE
£nil - Pat Q Jnr, AS ABOVE
£nil - Dave B, AS ABOVE
Saturday, 24 May 2014
24may13 not one of the 8 :-(
In case you were wondering I don't hold one of the 8 winning Scoop6 tickets dividend was £1.3m - nice. For those interested in these sort of things the odds for the 6 horse accumulator were 255,815-1
Leader won again 15-8, we are all just chasing the second prize really aren't we! Me, Martin Long and Barry Pemble all picked the very impressive Kingman at 4-5, Paul Berg 7-1 joint best of the day and also now on +£1.55 and in 13th just off the leader board (the only player who is positive and not on the leader board). Other winners were Dave purple patch Barker joint best of the day and who also completed a nice treble with a 7-1 winner to move up to 4th. Finally Carl Dean 3-1 he now sits 26th -£12.34.
In the plate Vince Paige span off to try and get a big winner to get onto the main leader board and missed and pretty much everyone else scored 5 points - don't think it makes much difference to the outcome unless he spends a few more days looking for the big one! I moved back into the cash as Gary Pascoe also missed out, but looks like not the most difficult task for him to recapture. Actually pretty tight 5th to 8th with just 5 points between the 4 of us.
Leader won again 15-8, we are all just chasing the second prize really aren't we! Me, Martin Long and Barry Pemble all picked the very impressive Kingman at 4-5, Paul Berg 7-1 joint best of the day and also now on +£1.55 and in 13th just off the leader board (the only player who is positive and not on the leader board). Other winners were Dave purple patch Barker joint best of the day and who also completed a nice treble with a 7-1 winner to move up to 4th. Finally Carl Dean 3-1 he now sits 26th -£12.34.
In the plate Vince Paige span off to try and get a big winner to get onto the main leader board and missed and pretty much everyone else scored 5 points - don't think it makes much difference to the outcome unless he spends a few more days looking for the big one! I moved back into the cash as Gary Pascoe also missed out, but looks like not the most difficult task for him to recapture. Actually pretty tight 5th to 8th with just 5 points between the 4 of us.
Main Comp top 12
£1,000 - Pat Q Jnr, Hinton Indiana CAR 7.25
£425 - Dave K, Windhoek GOO 1.50
£250 - Tom F, Bilimbi HAY 3.45
£200 - Tim C, Green Howard CAT 2.50
£150 - Gary P, Daredevil Day CUR5.05
£100 - Pat Q Snr, NO BET
£75 - Martin L, Kingman CUR 3.20
£75 - Dave B, That's plenty CUR 5.05
£50 - Spencer M, Piceno CAT 3.25
£50 - Chris P, Empty The Tank FOS 8.45
£nil - Jed P, Peace Burg CUR 3.55
£nil - Terry M, Nearly Caught HAY 1.35
Plate top 6
£175 - Vince P, Harley's Harley CUR 5.05
£100 - Barry P, Kingman CUR 3.20
£75 - Martin L, AS ABOVE
£75 - Martin L, AS ABOVE
£50 - Justin S, NO BET
£50 - Gary P, AS ABOVE
£50 - Gary P, AS ABOVE
£nil - Maurice E, Kingman CUR 3.20
23may14 power cut
Yep a power cut at home last night hence the delay - no really!
8 winners and plenty involving the main leader board, Dave Kingsbury 6-1 to move 2nd despite Tom Feeney's 6-4 winner, Tim Catlin 9-4 to move 4th, Martin Long remained in 8th with his 5-4 winner as Dave Barker scored with a 5-2 winner to move 6th, Chris Pascoe held on to the last cash spot with a 2-1 winner just enough to repel Jed Parramore in 11th who scored with a 6-4 winner. All that just leaves Stuart Bentham 6-4 as the only winner not involved in the scrap at the top.
In the plate Vince Paige sat out and the others at the top of the leader board apart from Martin Long really failed to capitalize, Gary Pascoe missed so as I sat out that unraveled one of his 4 in hand bets with no damage - only three to go!
8 winners and plenty involving the main leader board, Dave Kingsbury 6-1 to move 2nd despite Tom Feeney's 6-4 winner, Tim Catlin 9-4 to move 4th, Martin Long remained in 8th with his 5-4 winner as Dave Barker scored with a 5-2 winner to move 6th, Chris Pascoe held on to the last cash spot with a 2-1 winner just enough to repel Jed Parramore in 11th who scored with a 6-4 winner. All that just leaves Stuart Bentham 6-4 as the only winner not involved in the scrap at the top.
In the plate Vince Paige sat out and the others at the top of the leader board apart from Martin Long really failed to capitalize, Gary Pascoe missed so as I sat out that unraveled one of his 4 in hand bets with no damage - only three to go!
Friday, 23 May 2014
Main Comp top 12
£1,000 - Pat Q Jnr,
£425 - Tom F, Playing The Field TOW 8.20
£250 - Dave K, Insaany HAY 2.00
£200 - Gary P, Sioux Chieftain PON 7.00
£150 - Pat Q Snr, Le Pergolese TOW 8.20
£100 - Tim C, Crowleys Law HAY 4.15
£75 - Dave B, Aramist PON 7.00
£75 - Martin L, Johara YAR 2.10
£50 - Spencer M, Ustinov HAY 2.30
£50 - Chris P, Camelopardalis YAR 5.35
£nil - Jed P, Playing The Field TOW 8.20
£nil - Terry M, Ajjaadd GOO 4.35
Plate top 6
£175 - Vince P, NO BET
£100 - Barry P, carnival Flag TOW 8.50
£75 - Martin L, AS ABOVE
£75 - Martin L, AS ABOVE
£50 - Justin S, Hudson Bay COR 6.35
£50 - Gary P, AS ABOVE
£50 - Gary P, AS ABOVE
£nil - Maurice E, NO BET
Thursday, 22 May 2014
22may14 handfull
5 only today including the leader with a consolidating 5-6 to put him back over £20 clear. Others were Pete Long 5-2, Carl Dean & Chris Pascoe both the same 5-6 winner enough to move Chris into the cash in 10th. Finally best of the day 7-2 for Dave Barker that moved him to 7th.
In the plate most were trying to hunt down a 10 pointer in Ireland and we all ended up scoring just a 2 point 3rd. Pat Quinn closed up a point with his 3 point winner. I sit poised to sweep past Gary once we are in the home straight - a bit like Frankel I suppose :-)
In the plate most were trying to hunt down a 10 pointer in Ireland and we all ended up scoring just a 2 point 3rd. Pat Quinn closed up a point with his 3 point winner. I sit poised to sweep past Gary once we are in the home straight - a bit like Frankel I suppose :-)
Main Comp top 12
£1,000 - Pat Q Jnr, Jimmy The Hat WET 2.30
£425 - Tom F, NO BET
£250 - Dave K, NO BET
£200 - Gary P, Ballybough Gorta WET 4.50
£150 - Pat Q Snr, Equity Risk GOO 3.50
£100 - Tim C, Manbo Spirit SAL 6.40
£75 - Martin L, NO BET
£75 - Spencer M, Maibait GOO 3.50
£50 - Dave B, The Quarterjack SAL 7.50
£50 - Jed P, Burnham SAL 7.50
£nil - Terry M, Captain Scooby AYR 2.20
£nil - Chris P, Jimmy The Hat WET 2.30
Plate top 6
£175 - Vince P, Abolitionist CLO 8.30
£100 - Barry P, Mollyanna CLO 5.50
£75 - Martin L, AS ABOVE
£75 - Martin L, AS ABOVE
£50 - Justin S, Mollyanna CLO 5.50
£50 - Gary P, AS ABOVE
£50 - Gary P, AS ABOVE
£nil - Maurice E, Mollyanna CLO 5.50
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
21may14 annoying
To see Vince and Justin pick the only winner 3-1 and in the same race as mine :-( So absolutely no movement on either leader board!
Nothing else to report other than get swatting for Saturday's Scoop6!
Nothing else to report other than get swatting for Saturday's Scoop6!
Main Comp top 12
£1,000 - Pat Q Jnr, Dan Breen NAB 3.10
£425 - Tom F, Thatchers Gold WOR 7.40
£250 - Dave K, NO BET
£200 - Gary P, Spavento AYR 3.50
£150 - Pat Q Snr, NO BET
£100 - Tim C, Quality Art KEM 6.20
£75 - Martin L, Pack Leader LIN 2.30
£75 - Spencer M, Malibu Sun WOR 6.40
£50 - Dave B, NO BET
£50 - Jed P, Fathom Five AYR 2.20
£nil - Terry M, NO BET
£nil - Chris P, Talented Kid AYR 3.20
Plate top 6
£175 - Vince P, Lady Olwyn SLI 8.30
£100 - Barry P, Jimmy Two Times SLI 6.00
£75 - Martin L, AS ABOVE
£75 - Martin L, AS ABOVE
£50 - Justin S, Lady Olwyn SLI 8.30
£50 - Gary P, AS ABOVE
£50 - Gary P, AS ABOVE
£nil - Maurice E, Tillargon SLI 8.30
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
20may14 big winner
Spencer Mills bangs in a 25-1 winner to move up a million places to 8th without checking back through think that the best winner of this comp. Just 3 other winners Tom Feeney 9-2 to take over in 2nd from Dave Kingsbury, Annette berg 6-4 but not enough to stop her slipping off the leader board into 14th and finally John O'Neill 7-1 one more like that and he will be on the leader board a miraculous recovery from the back of the field.
In the plate they all sat out and those of us who did play all got a 4th places and zero points. Gary is taking coaching from Vince in an attempt to stop me claiming 5th place - dream on :-)
In the plate they all sat out and those of us who did play all got a 4th places and zero points. Gary is taking coaching from Vince in an attempt to stop me claiming 5th place - dream on :-)
Main Comp top 12
£1,000 - Pat Q Jnr, NO BET
£425 - Dave K, Yasir NOT 3.00
£250 - Tom F, Meet Me Halfway YAR 8.30
£200 - Gary P, Ginzan BAT 2.40
£150 - Pat Q Snr, Spellmaker WAR 6.45
£100 - Tim C, Maid of Tuscany BAT 3.40
£75 - Martin L, NO BET
£75 - Dave B, The Ducking Stool YAR 7.00
£50 - Jed P, Lacan NOT 4.00
£50 - Chris P, Kibaar BAT 2.10
£nil - Terry M, Vincentti WAR 6.45
£nil - Wayne M, LOSER
Plate top 6
£175 - Vince P, NO BET
£100 - Barry P, NO BET
£75 - Martin L, NO BET
£75 - Martin L, NO BET
£50 - Justin S,NO BET
£50 - Gary P, AS ABOVE
£50 - Gary P, AS ABOVE
£nil - Maurice E, Glasgow Central BAT 4.40
Monday, 19 May 2014
19may14 no penalty at all!
Not saying necessarily sack the guy but no sanction whatsoever can't be right either!
Anyway 6 good important winners today Gary Pascoe again 3-1, this moves him back up to 4th spot in the main comp and overtakes me into 5th in the plate. Gary is dormy and all 3 above him in the main comp have had at least 7 more bets than him so he is really a lot more off the pace. Others were Barry Pemble 4-6 & Martin Long 7-4, Stuart Bentham 9-4 and Pete Long 7-2, leaving the best of the day honour to fall to Jed Parramore with a 5-1 winner who moves back onto the leader board in 9th
Anyway 6 good important winners today Gary Pascoe again 3-1, this moves him back up to 4th spot in the main comp and overtakes me into 5th in the plate. Gary is dormy and all 3 above him in the main comp have had at least 7 more bets than him so he is really a lot more off the pace. Others were Barry Pemble 4-6 & Martin Long 7-4, Stuart Bentham 9-4 and Pete Long 7-2, leaving the best of the day honour to fall to Jed Parramore with a 5-1 winner who moves back onto the leader board in 9th
Main Comp top 12
£1,000 - Pat Q Jnr , NO BET
£425 - Dave K, Brown Pete SOU 3.30
£250 - Tom F, NO BET
£200 - Pat Q Snr, The Darling Boy TOW 4.10
£150 - Gary P, Sleepy Sioux WIN 8.35
£100 - Tim C, NO BET
£75 - Martin L, Bragging WIN 7.35
£75 - Dave B, NO BET
£50 - Terry M, Stone of Folca RED 4.20
£50 - Wayne M, FORCED LOSER
£nil - Chris P, NO BET
£nil - Annette B, Baccalaureate TOW 3.10
Plate top 6
£175 - Vince P, Bosman Rule ROS 7.55
£100 - Barry P, Toe The Line ROS 6.55
£75 - Martin L, AS ABOVE
£75 - Martin L, AS ABOVE
£50 - Justin S, King Leon ROS 7.55
£50 - Maurice E, NON RUNNER
£50 - Maurice E, NON RUNNER
£nil - Gary P, AS ABOVE
Sunday, 18 May 2014
18may14 leader wins
Pat Quinn Jnr pretty much wraps it up with a best of the day 7-1 winner to go miles clear. Loads of others Annette Berg 11-8 to return to the leader board, Barry Pemble 11-8 and 10 points to go 2nd in the plate, Craig Connelly 3-1 to go 13p up &15th spot, Chris Pascoe evens, Dave Kingsbury in 2nd an 11-8 winner, Justin Sercombe 7-2, and finally Pat Quinn Snr 4-1 to take over in 4th form Gary Pascoe.
17may14 another 4
Gary Pascoe again to bring up a 4 timer with a 4 timer he's closing down 3rd! Other winners were me 11-8, Terry Matthews best of the day 8-1 to go 9th and Alan Mabb 11-4 to go 13th and just off the leader board.
Saturday, 17 May 2014
16may14 just 4
Sorry for the next day updates but I'm away at the moment. Most significant winner of the day was for Gary Pascoe who continued his surge up the leader board after a 9-4 10 point winner and now sits 4th on the main and is a new real threat to the cash positions in the plate with so many more bets left. Other winners were Malcolm Mitchell also 9-4, Annette Berg 5-4 to hold onto the final leader board spot and Rod Brown best of the day 6-1.
Friday, 16 May 2014
15may14 here he comes
Jon O'Neill follows up yesterday with a 9-1 winner today to move into the top half other big winner was 15-2 for Gary Pascoe to move 6th
Vince and Justin collected 10 points each and did their positions no harm in the plate
Vince and Justin collected 10 points each and did their positions no harm in the plate
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
14may14 off the mark
John O'Neill gets off the mark in style after a long absence with a very nice 12-1 winner today which moves him up 14 places from the foot of the table to 42nd, there were 3 other winners Jed Parramore brought up a treble with a 1-3 winner as he continues his consolidating play on the leader board which at this rate is working. The other two were Gary Pascoe a nice 7-1 winner to move onto the leader board and finally Paul Stobbart 9-4 to move well into the mix for the final cash paying spot in the plate on 90 points although he has had a stack more bets than us lot.
Tuesday, 13 May 2014
13may14 good old Harry
7 winners today Annette Berg, Stuart Bentham, & Jon Hall all 7-4, Jed Parramore & Vince Paige both 2-5, Tom Feeney 1-2 and finally a rarely used phrase best of the day for Steve Walton 7-2 :-).
So 5 points for Vince to move 15 clear ahead of Barry who has 2 games in hand, Jon Hall rose to 7th with his winner.
So 5 points for Vince to move 15 clear ahead of Barry who has 2 games in hand, Jon Hall rose to 7th with his winner.
Monday, 12 May 2014
12may14 go Harry go
10 winners today so too many to mention the lot but a nice best of the day for Roger Dore 16-1 to move up to +£1.25 and 14th spot. Dave Kingsbury drifted into 2nd spot after sitting out and 9 others!
In the plate Barry Pemble banked on the cert 5 points and it paid off as Justin & Vince speculative 10 pointer flopped as did Martin's who gives the impression he is more centred on moving up the main leader board where the bigger cash is than mucking about for the odd £50 in the plate - wise move
In the plate Barry Pemble banked on the cert 5 points and it paid off as Justin & Vince speculative 10 pointer flopped as did Martin's who gives the impression he is more centred on moving up the main leader board where the bigger cash is than mucking about for the odd £50 in the plate - wise move
Sunday, 11 May 2014
11may14 Blue Moon
6 winners today Paul Stobbart 5-2, Pete Long 8-11, Jimmy McGarrity 9-4, Gary Pascoe 13-8, Adam Slater and Lee Constable both 5-1 and joint best of the day. None of them on the leader board so no changes up top. After this coming week I will start to try and do list of selections immediately after 1.30 and put number of bets remaining on the main leader board.
In the plate Barry's won last night but that was the only point scored as all those betting today missed so as we were.
There were 2 or 3 bets in the void race at Ludlow today, and these were regarded as non-runners despite the fact that the race was started. I think this calls for a new rule :-)
Excel on its way - look out a lot more players gone dormy over the past few days
In the plate Barry's won last night but that was the only point scored as all those betting today missed so as we were.
There were 2 or 3 bets in the void race at Ludlow today, and these were regarded as non-runners despite the fact that the race was started. I think this calls for a new rule :-)
Excel on its way - look out a lot more players gone dormy over the past few days
Saturday, 10 May 2014
10may14 Barry to come
I'm out tonight - I know how could I be missing Eurovision :-) So as Barry's runs in the 8.10 (Famous Kid) I thought I would update without that rather than wait. So 6 winners and joint best of the day Jo Hutson & Rod Brown at 5-1 that was enough to bring Jo back onto the leader board. Others were Chris Pascoe again! 5-2, that's 8 winners from the last 10 bets, Jed Parramore 9-4, Michael Brook 7-2, & Vince Paige 2-1.
Great day for Vince 10 point winner to move into a distinct advantage and a fun day at the Walton home as Jo & Steve went head to head with Jo's winning and Steve's last just 95 lengths behind, hope she pointed that out :-).
Just a reminder as we move into the phase when people are having their 41st bet of the comp after that the maximum odds restriction is removed so feel free to nap 100-1 winners! The last 20 bets for each person are unrestricted.
Great day for Vince 10 point winner to move into a distinct advantage and a fun day at the Walton home as Jo & Steve went head to head with Jo's winning and Steve's last just 95 lengths behind, hope she pointed that out :-).
Just a reminder as we move into the phase when people are having their 41st bet of the comp after that the maximum odds restriction is removed so feel free to nap 100-1 winners! The last 20 bets for each person are unrestricted.
09may14 Bob's Birthday!
6 Winners today Rod Brown 2-1, Pete Feeney 7-1 (best of day), Gary Dighton 2-1, Dave Barker 11-8, Adam Slater 11-8, Andy Stevens 2-1, so not much action at the sharp end of the leader board.
In the plate Dave Barker recorded the only winner and closed right down on Pat & me for 5th
In the plate Dave Barker recorded the only winner and closed right down on Pat & me for 5th
Thursday, 8 May 2014
08may14 Go City
Just three winners Craig Connelly 3-1 to move to 10th and that was also the best of the day, Justin Sercombe 5-6, Jon Hall 9-4. That's it but all of the top 6 sat out so very little action.
In the plate Justin had a 5 point winner and again only he & I played so no changes - now very tight for the last cash spot between me, Pat Quinn Jnr & Dave Barker all on level bets 11 points between us.
In the plate Justin had a 5 point winner and again only he & I played so no changes - now very tight for the last cash spot between me, Pat Quinn Jnr & Dave Barker all on level bets 11 points between us.
07may14 busier
But didn't make any difference to our win total, again just 4, with a clear winner of the best of the day for Big Al (Alan Mabb) with the 10-1 winner of the Cup, this moved him straight into 10th spot. Others were Chris Pascoe who's short priced winner plan worked as he rose one place following a 2-7 winner, Jay Lewis did his cause no harm with an 8-1 winner to sit 14th and Spencer Mills 7-2 rounds off the report.
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
06may14 quiet
Only 22 bets if you exclude the 7 forced losers today and just 4 winners. Best of the day by far was Jed Parramore 12-1 to zoom him back into contention for cash in 9th, Craig Connelly 7-2 to move onto the foot of the leader board, Pete Long 9-2, and Richard Pascoe 3-1 both brought up their 2nd winners of the campaign and remain in the bottom half.
In the plate no winners at the top so the 5 points Martin & Barry got for 2nd place closed the top three right back up together - very exciting I suppose a bit like the premiership :-)
In the plate no winners at the top so the 5 points Martin & Barry got for 2nd place closed the top three right back up together - very exciting I suppose a bit like the premiership :-)
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
05may14 five
Winners and they were the leader Pat Quinn Jnr 3-1, but keeping track on that were Dave Kingsbury in 3rd also 3-1 but that wasn't enough to stop Tom Feeney moving past him into 2nd with his joint best of the day 7-1 winner Chris Pascoe was the other 7-1 winner and that moved him back onto the leader board in 9th. The final winner was Annette Berg 15-8.
In the plate three of the top 3 got a 5 point 2nd and that was enough to give Vince the lead back, I held onto 5th on number of 2nds count back!
Sunday, 4 May 2014
04may14 Go Mark
6 winners Tom Feeney's 4-11 winner was enough to snatch 3rd spot from Tim Catlin, Martin Long 2-5 and 5 points was enough to take him back top in the plate on count back. Joint best of the day were Alan Mabb & Gary Pascoe with the 7-1 winner of the 1000G, Chris Pascoe continued his new strategy of lots of short priced winner with a 10-11 winner and finally Dave Kingsbury moved up to 2nd with his 5-1 winner.
As well as a new leader as predicted my time in 4th was short lived as Justin picked up 5 points for a 2nd place and returned to his rightful place!
Still at least my ante-post Oaks bet is looking good as I took 10-1 on Taghrooda last week and she's now favourite after smashing the opposition in the Pretty Polly today
As well as a new leader as predicted my time in 4th was short lived as Justin picked up 5 points for a 2nd place and returned to his rightful place!
Still at least my ante-post Oaks bet is looking good as I took 10-1 on Taghrooda last week and she's now favourite after smashing the opposition in the Pretty Polly today
03may14 2000G ruined
Well it was for those of us napping Kingman but at least in also killed the one Scoop6 ticket that was rolling on to the final leg. Busiest day of the comp so far 48 bets but only 3 winners Wayne Morton & Terry Matthews both 3-1 joint best of the day and a 8-15 winner for Jay Lewis. That meagre return saw Wayne jump 2 places to 6th and Terry hit 10th the final cash spot.
In the plate Justin sat our which has temporarily allowed me to rise a spot after all the rest of the top 5 scored 2 points.
In the plate Justin sat our which has temporarily allowed me to rise a spot after all the rest of the top 5 scored 2 points.
Friday, 2 May 2014
02may14 no doubt
Who had the best of the day that was Pat Quinn snr 16-1 to put both the PQs in the top 4 nice one. There were 5 other winners Vince Paige a brave 10 point 100-30 winner in a 25 runner charge at Punchestown, me 4-5, Wayne Morton 4-1 to consolidate in 8th, Chris Pascoe 2-5 to make the 4 winners in the last 5 bets but he is still down!! and finally Dave Kingsbury 7-1 to also consolidate in 7th.
In the plate wholesale change as Vince's 10 points took him back top and Justin & I both overtook Pat Quinn Jnr as he sat out. Looks like Vince is back favourite after today but 'long way to go'
In the plate wholesale change as Vince's 10 points took him back top and Justin & I both overtook Pat Quinn Jnr as he sat out. Looks like Vince is back favourite after today but 'long way to go'
Hands up who's wishing we were there!
We should have listened to Martin Long and gone this year, suggest we plan an even bigger trip for 2015, get saving/training its tough :-)
We should have listened to Martin Long and gone this year, suggest we plan an even bigger trip for 2015, get saving/training its tough :-)
Thursday, 1 May 2014
01may14 obviously tough
2 winners but biggies, Tom Feeney 16-1 to zoom up to 3rd and Roger Dore 14-1 for just his 2nd winner to sit just below half way in 32nd.
Plate was messed up by Quevega losing no change in the order so probably a good day for Martin as he sat out!
Plate was messed up by Quevega losing no change in the order so probably a good day for Martin as he sat out!
30apr14 away at Ascot
Hence the delay, 6 winners on Wednesday from 43 bets best of the day was Pete Feeney 15-2 to move to 36th, Wayne Morton 3-1, Pat Quinn Jnr 11-4, Jon Hall 11-8, Chris Pascoe 1-3, Carl Dean 6-5 were the others.
In the plate most missed and just scored 2 points except for Pat Quinn Jnr's great 10 point winner to leap back to 4th.
In the plate most missed and just scored 2 points except for Pat Quinn Jnr's great 10 point winner to leap back to 4th.
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