
****************************************************************Interested in joining the next Competition then email ****************************************************************

Sunday, 28 August 2016

New Comp Details


Hello everyone

Hope you all had a good summer and are fit and raring to go on another competition

This is the plan - start with the first bet on Sunday 4th September finishing on Saturday 3rd December at Sandown – that’s the Tingle Creek Day

Apologies if you may have told me that you are no longer interested and also to the 25 or so of you that are already in and paid.

Procedure is to let me and Vince know asap that you are in this one the remembering the “no pay no play” rule arrange to send the £50 entry fee to the comp bank account this week if possible the bank details are:

Bank details for transfer of funds are M J Edgington Northern Rock bank, sort Code [DELETED FOR SECURITY REASONS] - please make sure you identify yourself on the transfer details

We welcome new entrants and there are already one or two on this email blast so attached for them and as a reminder are the rules updated for this comp

Feel free to pass this email on