
****************************************************************Interested in joining the next Competition then email ****************************************************************

Tuesday 30 April 2013

Proposal for next comp dates

So we are thinking that with this comp covering the holiday season we should include a major part of August as non betting days something like this:

Start Saturday 15th June - in time for Royal Ascot the next week

Have a mid comp holiday break from Monday 5th to Monday 26th August inclusive
(that's an 22 day suspension which does NOT use up spare days)

Restart form Tuesday 27th August through to a close on Saturday 5th October

This excluding the August break gives us the standard 91 day period for the 61 required bets

Final day meet up would therefore be either at Ascot or Fontwell

How does this sound?  Sort of picked the middle ground between an early start in May and a delayed start as late as July.


  1. Sounds perfectly acceptable me. We are off to Bath on Saturday 15th June, so would be an ideal satrt date!

  2. sounds fine to me
