
****************************************************************Interested in joining the next Competition then email ****************************************************************

Sunday 18 August 2024


Not many played on the first day (16 out of 53) but 6 winners so pretty positive.  The day kicked off with Steve Taylor and Vince Paige both picking the only 10 point winner at 3-1, Mark Nutting also scored with a 3-1 winner, Paul Berg was top for a short while with an opening 11-2 winner but pipped by Dave Fifield 13-2 winner (back after a long break since December 2012!).  Finally I managed a 11-8 winner as well.

Will send out the excel but might be late/in the morning have to gather the group email together, as above 53 players (more always welcome) 2 still to pay, we will announce the prizes in a few days but plate will run to 4 spots and the main comp to the top 9 

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